Prizes Awarded for Top 3 Plays


What it takes to submit your play for ShowOff!

ShowOff! is a 10-minute playwriting festival. All plays must be performed in approximately 10 minutes. The work must have a beginning that grabs your attention, a middle with some meat and character development, and an ending that makes sense. It can surprise you, shock you, make you laugh, make you cry, make you think, but it must have an ending. Everything else! Is the dialog natural for the characters created? Are the characters ones that an audience can hate, love, believe? … is there some emotion touched? Is it something that an audience will remember? Something to tell someone else about? In short, is it a good story!

Rules for submitting your play:

Your deadline is October 15th of each year. We target to announce top 7 plays and honorable mentions by the second week of December. Performances are scheduled for January of each year.

Submit Your Play

Submit Your Entry Fee 

Please use electronic payment to submit a $10.00 entry fee (one fee is required for each play submission). Checks can also be submitted made to Camino Real Playhouse, but electronic submission of your play and entry fee speeds up the process (even in times of social distancing). Once we receive your original 10-minute play we will acknowledge the receipt of your script and that your $10.00 fee was received by e-mail. Links for submission of your play and your play entry fee are conveniently found above.  

Please have your full contact info included ONLY on the title page.

Plays can be on any subject – We do like to have one or two quality dramas along with a selection of comedies, so consider touching our hearts as well as our funny bones! We’re not able to produce musicals in this venue, and the audience is principally adults, so plays for children are not appropriate, but as a community theatre we want to appeal to the largest possible audience, so plays with an excessive amount of @!%#!X* words or graphic violence need to have an incredible compelling message because shock value, although allowed, doesn’t rank a winning vote with most audiences.